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Sometimes, the best way to reach your financial goals is to borrow money. Whether you want to make a major purchase, renovate your home, buy a new car, borrow to invest or consolidate your debt, we can help you choose the borrowing solution that's right for you.
Personal loan and line of credit rates vary based on application. To see how a personal loan or a line of credit can work for your specific needs, apply online or meet with an advisor to get started.
For whatever life throws at you. Get the money you need up front and choose the repayment option that fits your lifestyle and your budget. Your monthly payments are predictable and stay the same over the term of the loan.
Key Features & Benefits
If you have unused RRSP contribution room from previous years or are looking for funds to make this year's contribution, an RRSP loan can help you in making sure you don't miss out on the tax savings while growing your RRSP investments.
Key Features & Benefits
For everything planned and everything unexpected, you can have access to credit up to an approved limit as you need it. Use your line of credit to purchase a car, pay for a vacation, cover tuition fees or fund short term cash needs. Your money is simply an extension of your account. The interest rate is variable and your minimum monthly payment will vary each month.
Key Features & Benefits
With bill payments, debit transactions, preauthorized payments, and cheques, all coming from your account, sometimes your balance isn’t what you think it is. In the event of a shortfall, overdraft protection provides you access to available funds, up to an approved limit, to avoid the inconvenience and cost of an overdraft and/or returned payment. Think of it as backup.
Key Features & Benefits
It's important to protect your lifestyle and your credit rating—you want to be sure your loan payments are covered in the event of critical illness, disability or death.
Loan life insurance
Loan disability insurance
Loan Critical illness
If you are diagnosed with life-threatening cancer, or suffer a heart attack or stroke, mortgage critical illness insurance will pay off your mortgage balance in full.
Payment protection coverage is optional and is underwritten and provided by CUMIS Life Insurance Company. Coverage is governed by the terms and conditions of the creditor group insurance policy issued to the creditor and is subject to terms, conditions, exclusions and eligibility requirements.
All line of credit protection insurance is paid monthly and is based on the balance owing on your line(s) of credit at the end of each month.
Line of credit life insurance
Line of credit disability insurance
Line of credit critical illness
Payment protection coverage is optional and is underwritten and provided by CUMIS Life Insurance Company. Coverage is governed by the terms and conditions of the creditor group insurance policy issued to the creditor and is subject to terms, conditions, exclusions and eligibility requirements.
Additional resources
Understanding your credit score gives you the keys to building your credit so you can get better rates.
Everything is easier with a little help.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
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Proudly Canadian