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We are a financial cooperative.
You may have heard of cooperatives. Some of them sell sporting goods, some of them sell groceries or fuel. All of them are about people achieving more together than they can on their own. As a financial cooperative, we’re like that too.
When you join our credit union you are a member, not a customer, and that makes all the difference. Our members are our owners and have an equal say in how our credit union operates, no matter their balance.
Our members empower us to put people before profits and work in their true interests. By providing world-class banking services, the best financial advice in Canada and an approach that centres around our members, we simplify lives, helping members and creating a future where everyone can flourish.
We are a financial cooperative.
You may have heard of cooperatives. Some of them sell sporting goods, some of them sell groceries or fuel. All of them are about people achieving more together than they can on their own. As a financial cooperative, we’re like that too.
When you join our credit union you are a member, not a customer, and that makes all the difference. Our members are our owners and have an equal say in how our credit union operates, no matter their balance.
Our members empower us to put people before profits and work in their true interests. By providing world-class banking services, the best financial advice in Canada and an approach that centres around our members, we simplify lives, helping members and communities thrive.
It’s simple. Your goals are our goals. We grow when you grow. It’s a partnership, not a transaction.
And here, we believe financial wellbeing is for everyone—learn why.
Our expert financial advice focuses on your evolving financial needs, not making short-term profits for faraway shareholders.
Our profits are reinvested into our membership through free day-to-day banking, low-fee business accounts and great rates.
Enjoy competitive returns knowing your deposits help us support organizations that strengthen your local businesses and community.
Simon joined Valley First in 2019 as Director of Commercial Banking. He came to the Okanagan following a 16-year career in business and commercial banking, which included a strong focus on international trade finance. As President he draws from his breadth of experience in portfolio management, risk management and creating structured working capital solutions to grow and support members.
Simon is a solution-focused leader and is passionate about building member relationships and driving member loyalty. He connects people and businesses and is dedicated to making a difference in the community where he serves and lives. Simon is also active in Valley First’s signature cause, Feed the Valley, and is dedicated to strengthening the credit union movement across Canada. He is currently a member of the Canadian Credit Union Association’s Farm Credit Canada - Credit Union Liaison Committee, which is focused on building relationships between credit unions and the vital agricultural sector across Canada.
Simon joined Valley First in 2019 as Director of Commercial Banking. He came to the Okanagan following a 16-year career in business and commercial banking, which included a strong focus on international trade finance. As President he draws from his breadth of experience in portfolio management, risk management and creating structured working capital solutions to grow and support members.
Simon is a solution-focused leader and is passionate about building member relationships and driving member loyalty. He connects people and businesses and is dedicated to making a difference in the community where he serves and lives. He is currently a member of the Canadian Credit Union Association’s Farm Credit Canada - Credit Union Liaison Committee, which is focused on building relationships between credit unions and the vital agricultural sector across Canada.
Support to 27 organizations creating good things in our communities:
Support to 17 organizations helping our communities thrive including:
Raising food, funds and awareness for food banks serving Valley First communities.
First West Foundation is the charitable arm of Valley First, providing grants to organizations which help our communities thrive.
Support to 6 charities which promote resilient & sustainable Valley First communities including:
Support to 2 charities impacted by COVID 19 that provide food security and/or basic needs.
First West Foundation is the charitable arm of Enderby & District Financial, providing grants to organizations which help our communities thrive.
Support to 4 organizations creating good things in our communities including:
Support to 5 organizations helping our communities thrive including:
Raising food, funds and awareness for food banks serving Valley First communities.
First West Foundation is the charitable arm of Valley First, providing grants to organizations which help our communities thrive.
Support to one charity which promote resilient & sustainable Valley First communities:
Support to one charity impacted by COVID 19 that provide food security and/or basic needs.
Support to 9 organizations creating good things in our communities:
Support to 8 organizations helping our communities thrive:
Raising food, funds and awareness for food banks serving Valley First communities.
First West Foundation is the charitable arm of Valley First, providing grants to organizations which help our communities thrive.
Support to 5 charities which promote resilient & sustainable Valley First communities:
Support to one charity impacted by COVID 19 that provide food security and/or basic needs.
Support to 24 organizations helping our communities thrive:
Support to 21 organizations helping our communities thrive including:
Raising food, funds and awareness for food banks serving Valley First communities.
First West Foundation is the charitable arm of Valley First, providing grants to organizations which help our communities thrive.
Support to 4 charities which promote resilient & sustainable Valley First communities:
Support to 11 charities impacted by COVID 19 that provide food security and/or basic needs.
Valley First's foundational values demand that we, as an organization, actively strive for equity, inclusion and diversity. We believe in cultivating an environment in which every employee, member and community partner—both present and future—is valued for their uniqueness and is empowered to thrive.
Members vote for directors at board elections, giving you a say in how our credit union operates.
Expert financial advice and local decision making to meet your financial needs as they evolve.
We partner with local organizations to create good things in our communities.
Reach your financial goals and strengthen your community – that’s banking with purpose. Discover the benefits of belonging to a financial cooperative. Become a member online or call 1-888-597-8083 to get started.
Whether you’re a small business starting out or a large established operation, we have the right products, services and advice for you. Let us help you reach new levels of success.
Learn what it means to be a federal credit union including benefits and risks at For full details about the changes in deposit insurance, see the Notice Pursuant to the Disclosure on Continuance Regulations.
Explore our products and services
We believe in the power of partnership, working together to achieve social impact and make a difference in our communities.
Through our partnership with the First West Foundation, $1,092,023 has been granted from the foundation’s endowments and charitable giving campaigns in 2023.
Our employees spent 1,921 hours helping those in need and building our local communities in 2023.
Valley First, a division of First West Credit Union, acknowledges that we have privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of Secwepemcúl'ecw (Secwépemc), Syilx tmixʷ (Okanagan), and Nłeʔkepmx Tmíxʷ (Nlaka'pamux) Peoples.
Enderby & District Credit Union, a division of First West Credit Union, acknowledges that we have privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of Syilx tmixʷ (Okanagan) and Secwepemcúl'ecw (Secwépemc) Peoples.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
© First West Credit Union. All rights reserved.
Proudly Canadian