Earn $100* for you and your friend for every successful referral.
Learn how an FHSA helps you save for a mortgage faster.
Learn which savings option is the best for your financial goals.
Explore this step-by-step complete guide to starting a business in British Columbia.
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If you are a non-profit or a charitable organization looking for community sponsorship, learn more about our selection process here.
You can find our latest media releases on the First West Credit Union website.
Valley First a division of First West Credit Union, is a strong innovative organization with a network of locations across the Okanagan, Similkameen and Thompson valleys.
Want to see how we're doing? For details on our operational and financial performance, check out our annual reports.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
© First West Credit Union. All rights reserved.
Proudly Canadian