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When you go to the doctor and get a diagnosis, they often encourage you to get a second opinion. In fact, for most things in our lives, we seek out second opinions naturally. We check reviews before we buy coffee machines, workout equipment, we even ask others about television shows before we commit our time to a series. Second opinions help us feel safe, secure, and in control of our next steps.
Why wouldn’t you apply the same practice to your investment portfolio? Getting a second opinion is the best way to get peace of mind with your financial plan.
You are a do-it-yourself investor
You might be managing your own investments and want to get a professional to do an overview. Financial advisors have in-depth research methods and teams that they work with to understand investments and products. Getting their opinion on the investments, products and strategy you have been implementing might shed some light on some opportunities you might be missing.
You have been with the same advisor for many years
Trust is the most important part of your relationship with your financial advisor. After working together for many years, they have likely steered you through difficult decisions and emotional moments. As you and your life evolve, however, your advisor’s advice should change along with it and they should be just as pro-active as the day you started your relationship. If you don’t feel like your new outlook and circumstances are being accounted for, getting a second opinion will give you a fresh perspective and ensure that your financial plan is still working as hard as you are.
You are looking for an advisor
Before you decide to partner with a specific advisor, it is important to understand the services available to you and different strategies that advisors may employ. You should ensure that the advisor you choose is the right fit for you and your family by having in-depth conversations about investment strategies while also keeping in mind that your values and principles align.
The best advice starts with a personal conversation. Our Wealth Team can help you understand your current plan, ensure you are on track to reach your goals and secure your financial future. Let us help you determine if you are on track, and nothing has been missed.
Book an appointment with one of our advisors and get a second opinion.
Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
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