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You earned your money through a series of decisions that made sense for your circumstances, met your needs and ultimately reflected who you are as person. And now that you’ve accrued some wealth, it’s fair to want your money to keep earning for you in the same way: accountably, responsibly. With integrity. This is Responsible Investing (RI).
If you’re the kind of shopper who chooses green, is looking at an electric vehicle and is concerned about the legacy we’re leaving for future generations, there are investment tools finely tuned to reflect your values and deliver consistent performance in the marketplace. At the end of the day, these products need to prove their value, and they do.
Responsible Investing incorporates ESG factors into your investment portfolio. These portfolios include stocks and bonds with brands that value sustainability, human rights, good working conditions, employee diversity, resource conservation and other factors. These brands are constantly vetted by fund managers who are active shareholders and represent your interests inside the company, giving you a voice.
An MLGIC is a type of term deposit — a sheltered investment with a contracted payout at a fixed point in time. Our winwin EarthLink GIC is a responsible option that allows you to take advantage of the return potential of environmentally conscious companies, while protecting your capital. It offers a guaranteed minimum return and the potential to earn you more than traditional GICs. Let’s look at four key sectors your investment will be impacted by.
Just twenty years ago, about 4% of global energy grid was powered by renewable sources. Today that number is 30% and is headed to reach 50% by the end of the decade. Innovation in wind and solar, coupled with conservation measures focusing on efficiency and software, are ensuring that global energy needs are met as our overall environmental impact diminishes. There are exciting opportunities in this space as an investor and it’s a pillar in the winwin EarthLink investment strategy.
By 2050, global waste production will increase by 70%. With most of the world’s population living in cities, this means an opportunity to capture waste-material that’s already centralized, converting it into new, repurposed products. A cycle, rather than a straight line ending in a landfill. With 80% of all ocean plastics originating from one industry and just five rivers — alternatives to existing processes and materials can make an enormous difference rapidly.
Experts are anticipating a world-changing water distribution crisis with only 60% of the world’s potable water needs being met by 2030 unless we capitalize initiatives by $7.5 trillion. As governments commit such resources, that’s a huge opportunity for business and for investments. From desalination plants to delivery systems and atmospheric capture, the leaders in these new systems will be getting the contracts to build new infrastructure and save lives.
To meet global nutrition needs of a growing planet, we will need to increase our agricultural yields by 50% over the next three decades. Sustainable agriculture reinvents the supply chain, from land management and genetics to harvesting, packaging, and distribution models which not only increase calories to consumers, but preserve crop diversity and sequester (lock in) carbon emissions. As we transition to these new systems, that means new opportunities for suppliers.
You can see how a bold agriculture strategy dovetails with other issues such as energy, water, and waste management, to form a comprehensive and balanced vision of change. There are many jumping-off points for exploration and discussion and the winwin EarthLink GIC is a great place to start. A conversation with one our trusted, accredited advisors is the first step to putting your money to work in alignment with your values and your financial goals. Book an appointment today..
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